Ulin Nadlifah Ummul Khoir


Noble character is a reflection of one's personality, in addition to the
superior morality will be able to bring someone to the high dignity. Lately, a
good manner is costly and hard to find. The lack of understanding of moral
values contained in the Qur'an and Hadith will further aggravate the
condition of a person's personality, even life seemed to feel less meaningful.
To form a noble personal, moral cultivation against children should be
encouraged from an early age, since its formation will be easier than after
the child's adulthood. Al Akhlaq Lil Banat book discusses some manners to
apply in life, good family environment, school or community. It will create
private-mannered accordance with the guidance of the Qur'an. It is a kind of
literature review. To obtain representative data in the discussion, it is used
library research to find, collect, read, and analyze the books with no
relevance to the research problem. The relevant references then is compiled,
analyzed, so as obtained as conclusion. To achieve success in the
educational process, the material in the book Al Akhlaq Lil Banat can be
used as a reference in order to achieve educational success. The material
presented in this book is not only refers to the relationship between man and
God (transcendental), but also on the relationship between humans
(anthropocentric), such as morality to parents, relatives, neighbors, peers and
also to the adab or ordinances, such manners visit, walking, traveling, and
so forth.


Islamic education concept; Al Akhlaq Lil Banat; shalihah personality

Full Text:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.18326/mdr.v1i2.211-236


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Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (PGMI)

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