Islamic Accounting Journal with the registered number e-ISSN 2808-8093 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (every June and December) by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Salatiga (Formerly IAIN Salatiga).
Islamic Accounting Journal is intended to be the journal for publishing articles on either the concept/thought or the results of the field research on Islamic Accounting. The journal invites manuscripts in the various topics include, but are not limited to, accounting, auditing, tax, financial management, corporate governance, sustainability, social reporting, accounting system information, etc.

Per 1 July 2024 (Volume 04 Issue 01 (2024)), IAJ Migrate to OJS 3 with a NEW URL All manuscripts publishing processes will be carried out to on the New URL. |
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Vol 3, No 2 (2023): Islamic Accounting Journal
Table of Contents
Analysis financial ratio on financial performance of banks with problem finance as intervening variables
DOI : 10.18326/iaj.v3i2.1-20
Safitri Safitri, Rifda Nabila

The effect of sharia compliance and islamic corporate governance on fraud with internal control as moderating variable
DOI : 10.18326/iaj.v3i2.21-33
Lanvin Fransiska Melsiana, Nur Kabib

The Influence of Islamic Social Reporting, Managerial Ownership and Capital Structure on Firm Value
DOI : 10.18326/iaj.v3i2.34-43
Endah Nur Fitriyani

Manajemen laba bank syariah berdasarkan independensi dan efektivitas komite audit
DOI : 10.18326/iaj.v3i2.44-55
Disna Hilda Rosita Putri, Dewi Maesaroh

Analysis of factors affecting Murabaha Financing with third party funds as a moderating variable
DOI : 10.18326/iaj.v3i2.56-67
Asyifa Nur Arfionita, Nila Sa'adati