Table of Contents
Development of Digital-Based Smart Card Learning Media to Improve the Learning Outcomes of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Students
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v15i1.1-24
Renni Ramadhani Lubis, Nurhamimah Rambe, Pradana Chairy Azhar, Azri Ranuwaldy Sugma, Togue Nana Dipanda Franklin
This article has been read 1219 times.
Integrating ICT to Improve Students' Achievement in Thematic Learning Islamic Education in the Indonesian School in Bangkok
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v15i1.25-41
Nurul Qomariah, Budi Murtiyasa, Galih Albarra Shidiq
This article has been read 903 times.
Implementation of HOTS Assessment in Islamic Religion Lesson in 3rd Grade Islamic Elementary School East Java
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v15i1.42-59
Vivin Devi Prahesti, Siti Fatonah, Anis Maisarah
This article has been read 745 times.
Project-Based Learning in Elementary School: Influence on Students' Creative Thinking Ability
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v15i1.60-83
Muhammad Rizky Pratama, Ulya Fawaida, Rica Mae Guarin
This article has been read 1834 times.
Tri Wibowo, Aziz Kurniawan
This article has been read 860 times.
Bagus Wahyu Setyawan, Chafit Ulya, Sa'adatun Nuril Hidayah, Ku-Ares Tawandorloh
This article has been read 1058 times.