Table of Contents
Analysis of the effective leadership style of madrasa heads in the 21st century
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v13i1.1-19
Muh Syauqi Malik, Tutut Hilda Rahma, Vifta Agnia Utami
This article has been read 838 times.
The role of akidah akhlak teacher in embedding character of polite and decent language for elementary students
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v13i1.20-34
Kartika Dwi Astuti, Muqowin Muqowim
This article has been read 546 times.
The strategies of blended learning in new normal era at Kuala Lumpur Indonesian School
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v13i1.35-54
Elya Umi Hanik, Iis Afriyanti, Sayida Ruchyyah, Uli Nur Afiyah, Wardah Ayu Robi'attuladawiyah
This article has been read 1299 times.
Nadya Prameski Putri, Lu'luil Maknun
This article has been read 525 times.
Effectiveness of problem-based learning model in empowering creative thinking ability of elementary school students
DOI : 10.18326/mdr.v13i1.74-90
Rasimin Rasimin, Sukron Ma'mun
This article has been read 692 times.
Khikmah Kurnia, Supriyono Supriyono, Rintis Rizkia Pangestika
This article has been read 493 times.